Frank Bishop

Village Pioneer

came to Sawyer County in 1912

Hayward Journal-News April 10, 1891

At the residence of the groom’s father, on the Chippewa River, by Geo. Harrington, Esq., Frank Bishop and Sadie E. Rankin.

Sawyer County Record Thursday, October 4, 1917

Frank Bishop Dies in Chippewa Hospital
Frank Bishop, one of the oldest residents of the town of Winter, died at the Chippewa Falls Hospital Tuesday evening after a three weeks’ illness from typhoid fever.

Mr. Bishop fell ill while working at one of the lumber camps near Draper. He was taken to Winter for treatment, but as the disease became more serious, he was later removed to the hospital at Chippewa.

The deceased had many acquaintances throughout the county, especially among the old residents and was one of the early settlers. Years ago he began opening up a farm on the Chippewa River about 11 miles above Radisson. The farm, which he afterwards sold before moving to Winter, has since then come to be a landmark and is one of the best known places in this territory. The bridge that spans the river adjoining the land is today known as Bishop bridge.

The body was shipped to Winter yesterday morning from Chippewa and buried in the town cemetery shortly after the arrival of the train.

Son of James Bishop who was one of the earliest settlers in this county; was a member of the board of school directors for three years being elected to that position from sub-district No. 3 in ’94. ‘9 and ‘9 and during the *first year lie served as vice-president on the board. Is married and lives on what was his father’s homestead-Sec. 23-39-.t3

Adams, J. G. / History of education in Sawyer County, Wisconsin

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