James H Bishop

Area Pioneer

Civil War: Corporal 22nd Regiment, Maine Infantry, CO G.

Hayward Journal News
April 28, 1893

Bishop–In Hayward, Wis., April 20, 1893, Jas. H. Bishop.

The deceased was staying at Christ Hanson’s hotel and had been sick about two weeks. On Thursday afternoon he felt better than he had for some days previous and talked about getting up the next day to transact some business. His son, Cook, who was attending him, went down town for a short time and when he returned his father was dead.

Mr. Bishop was about 75 years of age and an old veteran. He had been a resident of Sawyer County for 18 or 20 years, and had a farm on the Chippewa River. He leaves a wife, three sons, and a daughter to mourn his death.

He was buried Sunday afternoon from the church under the auspices of the G.A.R. and S. of V. Rev. Hayward preached an excellent funeral sermon.

Hayward Journal-News Jan. 5, 1894
Reported printed April 28, 1893
Jas. H. Bishop died suddenly.

Chippewa Herald, Chip Falls, WI 21 April 1893
Old Soldier Dies
A dispatch to The Independent from Hayward last night stated that Jas. Bishop, one of the oldest settlers of Sawyer county and a veteran, died in that city yesterday afternoon, aged 75 years.

children: Caroline Ackley, Frank, Cook, and Andrew

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Fought for the Union in the Civil War with the 22nd Regiment, Maine Infantry, CO G. He went in as a private and came out as a Corporal.