Henry Andrew Crawford
Pioneer Logger
Farmer, Assessor, Board of School Directors
Was born in New Brunswick, Oct. 25, 1864. Came to Wisconsin in 1887, and on Dec. 2, 1889, married Miss Lizzie Raynor, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Raynor, who were among the first settlers of Sawyer county.
Lives on his farm in section three, town thirty-eight, range six, but his principal business, for several years, has been that of logging. Has six children – Jessie, Roy, Hazel, Ora, Ina and Alfred.
Was elected assessor of the town of Hayward in 1s92. Served one year on the board of school directors of the town of Hayward, being elected to that position from sub-district No. 3, in 1896
Sawyer County Record Dec. 10, 1931
Henry Crawford of Winter passed away at his home Sunday, Dec. 6, 1931, at the age of 68 years, from a lingering illness.
He was a member of Keystone Lodge No. 263, which he joined in 1910. Members of this lodge conducted the funeral services at the grave where Mr. Crawford was laid to rest according to Masonic rites. Interment was made in the Winter cemetery.
He leaves to mourn his departure his wife, two sons and four daughters.
Masons of this city who attended the funeral were Carl Nyman, Alfred and Homer Haselhuhn, James Kerr, Earl Beckett, Rev. RD Orton, JO Moreland, and GF O’Brien.