Belille School

First School Houe built within the territory (Now Sawyer County)

The school house was the first one built within the territory now included in Sawyer county. It was first erected on the left bank of the Chippewa River about half way between the residence of William Waite and that of Charles Belille. It was afterwards, in 1880, moved down the river to Sec. 11 near where the Villiard school house now stands. After the town of Hayward was organized the building was sold to O. Baraboo who moved it to its present location about eighty rods from the residence of Charles Belille and he has since used it for a residence. The cut shows it as it now appears.

We presume that it was first erected in 1877 as Mary Knapp, the first teacher in this school, taught in it during the fall of 1877 and the winter of ‘1878.

John Nolan claims that he taught two terms in this building during 1879 and 1880. School was held in this building from December 12, 1881, to February 18, 1882, but the register does not give the name of the teacher. Maud Dunton taught here also, probably just before or just after John Nolan. Other persons may have taught in this school but we have been unable to get track of them.

With the exception of the terms taught by Miss Johnson and Mr. Phillips the school was under the jurisdiction of the town of Flambeau, Chippewa county.

Terms of school have been maintained as follows:

(Under the town of Flambeau, Chippewa county).

Mary Knapp – November 1, 1877 to March 26, 1878
Maud Dunton –
John Nolan – for two terms, 1879 and 1880; December 12, 1881 to February 18, 1882.
Alice M. Beaver – December 12, 1882 to January 31, 1883.
Alice M. Beaver – March 1, 1883 to April 3, 1883.

(Under the town of Hayward, Sawyer county)

Louis F. Johnson – for five months, fall of 1884 and the winter of 1885.
William B. Phillips – summer of 1885
William B. Phillips – fall of 1885 (these two dates are bracketted into a sevon month period)
William B. Phillips – summer of 1886 for seven months
William B. Phillips – fall of 1886.

In 1887 the board of school directors built the Wallace and the Villiard school houses for the former patrons of this school.

Belille School
Belille School
Belille School
Belille School
Belille School
Belille School - 1st School in Sawyer County

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Charles Belille
Charles Belille

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Charles Belille
Charles Belille

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